Self-help: Page 2

Understanding Intrusive Thoughts and How to Get Help Managing Them

Understanding Intrusive Thoughts and How to Get Help Managing Them

Imagine a scenario where you’re in the kitchen chopping vegetables and you suddenly have the thought to cut yourself with the knife. The thought came out of left field and you might start to get anxious or wonder why you had the thought. This is an example of an unwanted intrusive thought. Even though they’re […]

Ashley Laderer Ashley Laderer
Harnessing the Grey Rock Method to Counter Toxic Behavior

Harnessing the Grey Rock Method to Counter Toxic Behavior

Dealing with narcissistic and toxic people can be emotionally draining and may take a toll on your mental health and well-being. Narcissistic people crave attention and feed off your reactions, so they thrive on getting a rise out of you. The most effective way to handle people with such tendencies is to establish strong boundaries […]

Alan Deibel, LPCP
Tips to Help You Choose the Best Online Therapist

Tips to Help You Choose the Best Online Therapist

In the last few years, online therapy — also called teletherapy, virtual therapy, or online counseling — has exploded in popularity.   The COVID-19 pandemic saw many people using the internet to find mental health support within the comfort and safety of their own homes. Today, many people continue to use telehealth services as it can […]

therapist sean abraham Sean Abraham, LCSW
The Power of Positive Affirmations for Women

The Power of Positive Affirmations for Women

Thousands of thoughts run through our minds every day. Chances are, some of them are negative. Thoughts are more powerful than you think. We can’t get our brains to turn off or stop producing negative thoughts, but we can make an active effort to start putting more positive thoughts into our brains. These are known […]

Ashley Laderer Ashley Laderer
Unlocking Emotional Freedom: Methods to Heal Your Inner Child

Unlocking Emotional Freedom: Methods to Heal Your Inner Child

Your inner child carries the echoes of your past experiences, shaping how you perceive and react to the world. Whether you’ve faced childhood traumas or simply want to nurture your inner self, healing your inner child is a transformative journey toward self-discovery and emotional well-being.  Therapists have long recognized the importance of this inner healing […]

isbell oliva garcia grow therapy Isbell Oliva-Garcia
9 Signs You Need a Mental Health Day Off Work

9 Signs You Need a Mental Health Day Off Work

The average American worker won’t request a mental day off work despite being stressed and overworked. A recent study found half the polled workers would hesitate to ask for a mental health day because they’re afraid their bosses would think less of them. Yet, sometimes taking a day off to prioritize your mental health is […]

therapist william snyder William Snyder, LPC
Practical Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Strategies for Everyday Life

Practical Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Strategies for Everyday Life

Cognitive behavioral therapy isn’t just a one-hour chat with your therapist. It’s a set of skills that you can carry into your daily life. They can help you cope with hard things, manage stress when it comes up, and reshape your thought patterns when needed. The goal is to help you live a productive, healthy […]

Grow Therapy therapist Gregorio (Greg) Lozano III LPC Greg Lozano, LPC
The Ultimate Mental Health Holiday Survival Guide

The Ultimate Mental Health Holiday Survival Guide

For some people, the holiday season is a joyous, fun time. But for many others, it can be extremely difficult. Whether it’s the burden of an unaccepting family, a history of family trauma, a depressive episode, or heavy grief, there are so many different things that people struggle with this time of year – and […]

Author Generic Image Grow Therapy
Holiday Survival Guide: For the Person Dealing With Trauma

Holiday Survival Guide: For the Person Dealing With Trauma

If you have trauma related to your family, this can be extra triggering during the holidays if you have to see them. Maybe you were sexually, physically, or emotionally abused or neglected growing up. This can make it scary to go home and be reminded of these instances.   Family gatherings might reopen wounds that you’ve […]

Grow Therapy therapist Gregorio (Greg) Lozano III LPC Greg Lozano, LPC
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